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Eurolanche Meeting 15

Eurolanche Meeting 15Eurolanche members met in France for the first time.

Eurolanche regularly organizes meetings of its members in Europe under the name "Eurolanche Meeting". Until recently, all 14 meetings took place either in Slovakia or the Czech Republic. However, there was a big change in early April. For the first time, Fan Club members met in another country.

During the first weekend of April, the "Eurolanche Meeting 15" took place in Longeville-sur-Mer, France. Four French fans watched the evening game between the Colorado Avalanche and the Pittsburgh Penguins as part of the meeting’s program.

The participants received their own banner from Eurolanche management with the subtitle "French division" along with several souvenirs, including Pavel Francouz’s autographs.

We believe that similar meetings will continue not only in France, but in other countries as well and Eurolanche will always support them in the same manner. Those interested in organizing a meeting of Avs fans in their own country can contact us at

We will be more than happy if similar events will not only be the domain of Slovak and Czech fans., Worldwide,
18/04/2022 - 20:30


NHL on Nov 11, 2017: "Eurolanche is the world's largest Colorado Avalanche fan club."