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Interview with Borna Rendulic

Interview with Borna RendulicEurolanche brings you an exclusive interview with Croatian youngster and Avalanche player, Borna Rendulic.

Avalanche forward Borna Rendulic had the opportunity to become the first Croatian-born and raised player to play in a regular season NHL game, but he was sent down to Lake Erie after Colorado trimmed its roster down to 25 players. Rendulic remains optimistic that he’ll get his shot in the NHL during the season. You can read our big exclusive interview with Borna Rendulic from the summer HERE.

You were amongst the first players to arrive in Denver at the end of August. Why did you decide to come so early?

Well, I wanted to get to know the city and prepare for my big camp. Also because of the high altitude.

What did you do for the first weeks prior to the start of both camps?

We just had like one practice in the morning. Off-ice and then we went skating alone without the coaches. During the first few weeks, there were no goalies, so we were just skating and shooting at the empty net.

You took part in both the rookie and regular training camp. What was the difference between them?

Rookie camp is all the junior guys and first year guys. It was just about getting to know everything. They taught us what we should do at the main camp. It was nice. Then, the main camp started and we had a practice. We played scrimmages with scouts and NHL coaches watching, so it was kinda fun, because you know everybody’s watching and you’ve got to do your best on the ice at all time.

How do you remember your first game as an Avalanche player? Can you describe certain moments from that game?

My first game was against the Ducks in Anaheim. I was so overwhelmed, I mean, first time on a private jet, first time wearing a suit for the game. It was so warm over there. The rink in Anaheim was awesome. It was also a nice experience to play against Getzlaf and Perry, against all the big boys over there. I liked it a lot.

Can you share some other memorable or funny moments that you experienced during the last weeks with us?

I can’t really remember, but the hotel in Montreal was epic! I’ve never seen that kind of a hotel before. Makes me want to work harder and get into the NHL.

 Rendulic during a pre-season game against the Flames (Source: Calgary Sun)

What kind of coach is Patrick Roy? Can you compare him with your other coaches, for example in Finland? Is he a one-of-a-kind person?

He’s a tough guy. He likes when the players work hard and he pushes you to work hard all the time. I liked him a lot and I know I can become a better player by just listening to him. He’s a fair guy. He’ll give u a chance and if you are better than the other guy, you will play!

What do the team's coaches appreciate the most on your game? What aspects of your game should you improve?

Well, I don’t really know. I like to score goals and points, but if I can’t do it I like to help the team in different ways. They taught me how to backcheck more and that I have to be more physical.

At the moment, there are some injured players, so there’s probably one remaining free spot for the opening game. Do you realize that this might be the biggest opportunity of your life?

It was a pretty decent opportunity, but they’ve sent me down to Lake Erie.

You and Dennis Everberg are the top candidates for the last spot on the roster. Have you talked with him about this before?

Of course, I have talked with him. He was my roommate anyways. You just play your game and what happens, happens. In this moment, Dennis has to chance to make the roster, which is good for him.

Fan question: Do you like US cuisine?

Yeah, I like it. I like everything

Fan question: If you didn't make the Avalanche roster this year, would you like to try it in other NHL team? If yes, which one?

Well, I have a two-year deal and I didn’t make it right now, but I won’t stop doing my best on the ice and hopefully I’ll get a chance during the season.

Fan question: What do you in your free time?

 I don’t really do anything. I just drink coffee, chill with friends… play some videogames and wait for the game. That’s the routine for every single hockey player I guess. 

The interview was conducted by David Púchovský.

Michal Hezely, Slovakia,
09/10/2014 - 23:59


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